samedi 16 juillet 2016

Eucalyptus patens

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eucalyptus patens
Eucalyptus patens from "Eucalyptographia. A descriptive atlas of the eucalypts of Australia and the adjoining islands"; (1879) (20165942804).jpg
Scientific classification
Species:E. patens
Binomial name
Eucalyptus patens
Yarri redirects here. It can also mean Queensland Tiger. For the Aboriginal hero, see Yarri (Wiradjuri)
The eucalyptus tree Eucalyptus patens has been known as yarriblackbuttSwan River blackbutt and Western Australia blackbutt.
It is similar to the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and it is usually found in jarrah forests alongside this tree.
It is endemic to the southwest of Western Australia.
It is in short supply as a harvestable timber [1] as significant areas of its distribution are now covered by conservation reserves.[2] In addition, even in forest where timber harvesting is allowed informal reserves placed around streams exclude Eucalyptus patens which predominantly occurs in the wetter parts of the landscape.[3]
It is a viable tree to cultivate - and numbers of publications and websites have clear information on cultivation well away from its normal habitat [4]

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